Our team of Chartered Accountants


Become the Partner of G Ramaswamy & Co, in Sep'2010 and associated with the firm since 2009. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant since 1986. He served with Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd Bangalore as Asst Manager and later practiced on his own before joined the firm. He has extensive experience in accounts, auditing, and company law matters. He is experienced in Govt. auditing viz. Bank audit, audit in Public sector undertaking etc. He is capable of representing before IT authorities, sales and service tax authorities. He is experienced in audit advisory and consultancy services.

CA VINOTHENEY S.N., M Com., ACA (M No.225851)

She joined the firm as articled assistant in 2004 and qualified as Chartered Accountant in 2011, since Feb'2011 working as Paid Asst. She is capable to do auditing requirements of clients & capable of doing Statutory Audit, Internal Audit, Tax Audit, Operations Audit, Management Audit, Compliance Audit etc. She is capable of preparation of audit reports, Company law reporting requirements etc. Now she is partner in our firm from 2019.

CA RICHA N. THAKKAR (M No. 242217)

She has joined our firm on Feb'2018 and working as Paid Asst. She is a qualified Chartered Accountant. She is capable to do auditing requirements of clients & capable of doing Statutory Audit, Internal Audit, Tax Audit, Operations Audit, Management Audit, Compliance Audit etc. She is capable of preparation of audit reports, Company law reporting requirements etc. She is capable of representing before IT authorities.

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